Saturday 12 August 2017

Toothache and knowing the depth of the hole on the gear

Toothache and knowing the depth of the hole on the gear
        The hole that happened to dental caries is the kedoterannya language. It happens because the acid substance formed from a mixture of leftover food, saliva, and bacteria. The teeth are exposed to the acidic substance that gradually will be eroded and became hollow, because the nature of teeth that cannot stand with acid. That's roughly the occurrence of holes in teeth. Have you already have cavities? And how the pain you experienced? From knowing the pain that we experience, it turns out that we've been able to figure out how deep a hole on our teeth. Gigi has 3 layers, which consists of email, dentin, pulpa and space, and each layer will cause different pains when exposed directly by the stimulus. The pain will arise when the depth of the holes start about second and third layer of teeth, namely dentin and pulpa.

2 kinds of pain that arises when the cavities :

1. In Bone
2 kinds of pain that arises when the cavities
         Dull pain is pain that occurs after a given rangasangan hot or cold. For example when you drink ice, suddenly the tooth feels sore but moments later disappear, that is what is meant in bone. At the level of the pain in the form of arthritis, meaning your teeth hole has reached dentin and has eroded out of stock email. Dentin exposed directly by cold or hot, even water alone will menibulkan taste in bone. On the hole as deep as this, head to your dentist to patch your teeth. Because patching the hole in the tooth deep dentin, can be directly patched permanently once the visit only. So also the hole on the gear are not the more deep and cause problems later.

2. Pain
2 kinds of pain that arises when the cavities
        Pain is pain that occurs due to damage to the network. For example, the teeth will feel pain when used to eat and will typically arise at the time of going to sleep that night and when fatigue. This tooth holes already regarding the space there is inside pulpa nerves of the teeth. The pain will arise when fatigue and going to sleep at night, why? Nerves have properties such as electrical wires on the road that we often come across. When heat will expand, and when cold will shrink. Well, so did the nerves of teeth, at a time when the nervous night will shrink, so the blood pressure inside the nerves will be more felt giving rise to pain. At this stage of tooth hole depth, mandatory and should go to the dentist to patched. But at this stage, could not do permanent patching all visits. 

Because there will be a stage of root canal treatment several times and then do the permanent patching. Root canal treatment done to clean up the advanced neural network and die space pulpa. When not patched immediately, very big risk of teeth will be broken and leave the rest of the roots will certainly pose a major problem next.

Read also: Action on Cavities

        That's a bit gambarang about the relationship of pain and into the hole in the tooth. By that way we can find out by yourself how deep a hole on our teeth and what we should do to cope with the problems that will arise. Make haste to clamp your teeth when a hole is still about dentin, because more save cost, time, and not to damage the nerve tissue in your teeth.

Friday 7 July 2017

Honey: Natural medicine Sprue

Honey: Natural medicine Sprue
       Thrush is one of the wounds in the mucosa of the lips are often encountered. Thrush can occur in the gums, around the tongue and the mucosa of the lips. The presence of canker sores very disturbing mouth activity, both when talking, eating, and anything else that can make contact with canker sores. Thrush usually arises because there are trigger factors such as food allergies, bacteria, stress hormonal disorders, etc. There are healing without being treated but it takes time, there are treated both using chemical and natural medicine. In this article I will share the natural prescription treat canker sores.

The natural treatment of canker sores is by using honey

     Honey is currently very easy to find both in stores and other vendors. According to research, honey has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It makes honey an ideal medicine for wound healing. Even honey is said to heal wounds two times faster than regular drug use. Benefits of honey as a natural medicine wound healers that can stimulate tissue regeneration is lost due to injuries that occur. Because the honey contained nutrients consisting of amino acids, minerals, vitamins B & C, calcium, iron, sodium and glucose. "Honey has a strong antibacterial content. Can be used to cure burns, blistering skin to sprue, "said Peter Molan, Research Unit Honey from the University of Waikato, New Zealand, which I quote from okezonecom.

                       Also Read:
                                         Causes of Bloody Gums When Brushing Teeth
                                         Benefits of Gum for Dental Health

           Same with wounds. Thrush arising in the form of injuries can be overcome with honey that can speed healing. How to use it is not difficult. Just by applying to all surfaces of the sprue with honey to taste. Wait a few moments for the honey to soak into the sprue and react well. Can also be used on dry lips or chapped lips in the same way of treatment with canker sores.

To be known in the healing period of canker without using the drug takes approximately 7-14 days. So if you want your canker sores to heal immediately, use honey. Natural honey with good quality.

Sunday 11 June 2017

The Importance of Maintaining Dental Milk Health

The Importance of Maintaining Dental Milk Health
        The oldest teeth that grow in children will be complete usually at the age of 2 years. In his still very small age it takes extra attention from parents. In all things, especially the state of the child's teeth. Most parents underestimate the existence of these milk teeth, because them, milk teeth will soon be dated and replaced by permanent teeth. If you are as a parent or as an older sibling, remember that milk teeth that grow in children really need to be kept healthy. Why is that ? To change the perception among the people today, in this article I will discuss the importance of maintaining milk dairy and a good way to guard it.

         Small children and babies are given the oldest teeth, the main purpose is for the child to begin to learn to feel the food, in the form of fine foods such as porridge and rice. In addition, as well as the child's aesthetic function. The child will look sweet and healthy if the condition of his teeth well without showing the hole in the child's teeth. Try you to notice if the children who have the front teeth that the rest of the roots, other than he be a joke of the people, on the one hand the child will look less healthy awake. Milk teeth have a structure that is much different from permanent teeth. 

The layers are much thinner than the permanent teeth, especially the enamel layer of very thin milk teeth that facilitate the occurrence of holes in the teeth. If the child's teeth are not well maintained, so there is a hole in the tooth that can cause children to feel pain, surely we as parents can not bear to let it happen. It is no less important, the function of milk teeth is as a way to the permanent teeth that will grow. When the permanent teeth grow but the milk teeth have been dated long before, the permanent teeth will grow in the wrong location or in a sloping position.

The importance of maintaining healthy teeth we need to cultivate in children from an early age, from children having milk teeth.

Simple way we can do and teach to children, which are as follows:

1. Teach children time and how to brush good teeth. Because it can be brought until he has a permanent tooth and can take care of his own teeth.

2. When children are accustomed to drinking milk before bed, make it a habit to brush their teeth, or rinse with water. So that milk does not stick to the teeth that can cause the teeth eroded, because the nature of sour milk is not good for the teeth.

3. Monitor child's eating intake. Foods favored by children are usually things that have a sweet taste. Food with a sweet taste is also not good for dental health. So do not over-indulge your children with sweets like candy, candy, and so on.

4. Use a special toothbrush for children. Toothbrushes should be noted, because the children's toothbrush has a soft bristle brush that does not harm the gums and teeth of the child, as well as the right size for the mouths of children.

5. Children's special toothpaste. Children who just learned to brush their teeth will often swallow toothpaste. To avoid poisoning, the children are required to use toothpaste for children because it is safe if swallowed.

6. Monitor and stop bad habits of the child. Children usually like sucking their fingers or gnawing at what they find. In addition to causing germs to enter the child's mouth, the bad habit will also damage the tooth structure and jaw shape. Example of a child who likes to suck his thumb. The child's jaw state will be narrow and high, causing the front teeth to advance from normal and jostle.

7. Routine visit the dentist. With the aim to monitor the development of children's teeth. At least 6 months. Also for children to get used to going to the dentist without fear. Before going to the dentist, tell the right things to the kids what to do when at the dentist do not be lied to with sweet words, because it can cause a child disappointed and do not want to come to the dentist.

Children will have a good lifestyle from the teachings of their parents from an early age, especially in maintaining health.

                    Also Read:
                                        Causes of toothache
                                        The Causes of Tooth Mess
                                        Milk Growth Time

Thursday 8 June 2017

How to Safely Overcome Dry Lips

How to Safely Overcome Dry Lips
          Dry lips usually make us less Confident and feel uncomfortable. And the usual thing is to suck his own lips or lick it so that the lips are wetted by saliva. With the aim that the lips come back moist. But so far whether it is effective? Is not the lips just moist for a while dry again?

             About it turns out the skin specialist opinion is very different from what we think, even said the saliva will make the lips getting worse. "Wet the lips with saliva is not a good solution to overcome dry lips, because the habit of moistening these lips actually make the lips become more dry, because in the saliva there can be irritating the skin.The process of dry lips is actually more caused by the reaction Drug allergies or allergies to irritation to certain ingredients such as lipstick.The process of occurrence is in accordance with the reaction of mild irritation, because in the saliva water contained enzymes that are usually useful in helping digest the food.These enzymes cause irritation so that the lips dry ", a statement from a dermatologist in Denpasar , Dr I Gusti Nyoman Darmaputra, SpKK [quoted from detikhealt].

          Apparently the thing that we think we can moisturize the wrong lips, even make it drier. Then how good and safe way that the lips do not dry? Following the advice conveyed by doctor Darma, dry lips should be overcome with a lip moisturizer. Moisturizer is made of course in order to maintain the moisture of the lips, but be careful in choosing a lip moisturizer, use a lip moisturizer that is sold safely so as not to irritate the lips. "If the complaint is dry and cracked lightly, simply use a lip moisturizer, the lip moisturizer prevents evaporation, and softens the lips," said Darma's doctor. (Quoted from detikhealt).

       If your current habit still uses saliva, Stop. Let's switch the habit and use a safe lip moisturizer so that our dry lips can lebab well.

Read Also:

Thank you

Wednesday 7 June 2017

The Most Easy Way to Take Care of Dental Health

The Most Easy Way to Take Care of Dental Health

           Healthy teeth, a smile was comfortable. Not just smile, talk, breathe, eat and activity mouth and other lips will feel comfortable. That is, teeth have a very important role in our lives. Have you ever had toothache? It can be imagined how painful, until it can interfere with other activities. Sick teeth, sick heads and even body fever. Teeth hurt many causes, whether because there are foreign objects that should not be in our gums, or because our teeth hollow, it could also be due to tartar stones that make our gums inflamed and become ill.

       Most people still think that, if the sick teeth take the medicine lost and silent without any desire to eliminate the cause of the pain. There are also who argue if the tooth is sick, stay pull it then the pain will disappear. That's right, but do not think that losing a single tooth can make the next problem?

            Better to prevent than to cure. The phrase is very often we hear in our ears, but we sometimes lazy to do it is not it? Well, in this article I will share easy tips to take care of our dental health for the prevention of illness.

How to care for good teeth ??

1. Remember Always Brushing Teeth Morning After Breakfast, and Night Before Sleep
In the mouth contains a lot of substances, especially when we eat and after eating, if only gargle alone, do not eliminate all the rest of the food that is on the sidelines of our teeth. Teeth can not stand with acidic properties. The rest of the food left behind and settles in the teeth will mix with saliva in our mouth and turn into acid that can damage our teeth. Especially milk, because milk is one of the acidic drink. For that every meal, remember gargle a little to minimize mengendapnya leftover food. And remember always to brush your teeth.

2. Choose Flouride Toothpaste
> Tips on choosing toothpaste <Flouride is a compound needed by teeth, the purpose is for mineral tooth loss due to acid from plaque, sugar and bacteria can be returned. When buying toothpaste, pay attention to the composition, make sure there is flouride contained in the toothpaste. Brushing teeth twice a day using fluoride-containing toothpaste is shown to decrease caries [gig hole] (Angela, 2005). However, its use in pre-school children should be supervised because in general they are still not able to rinse well so some of the tooth paste can be swallowed. Most toothpastes currently on the market contain about 1 mg F / g (1 gram equivalent to 12 mm toothpaste on toothbrushes) (Kidd and Bechal, 1991). Teeth need for fluoride differ by age. So, if for children buy a special toothpaste of children, as well as with adult toothpaste. Using toothpaste, it does not fill the surface of the bristles, but only the amount of corn kernels. And do not rinse too much, the goal is that fluoride does not dissolve just like that, just once twice for the foam to disappear.

3. Reduce & Control Sugar Consumption
Reduce consuming foods that contain sugar, be it chocolate candy, etc. Because like the advice that parents often say, can cause cavities.

4. Check the Teeth Every 6 Months Once
The old is for prevention. Do not ever assume by seeing yourself at home the condition of our teeth is fine. A dentist will check the health of each tooth and see if there are small holes or tartar. Make sure the teeth in good health and always keep your dental health, do not be shy to ask the dentist.

                           Also Read:
                                              1. Dangerous tooth holes when left unchecked
                                              2. Bad Impact of Coral Reef

That's some tips on maintaining dental health that I can give. If there is a problem with your dental health, ask a competent person (dentist). Because of the many current I encounter, people go to the dentist after they go to people who do not know about teeth, with cases that can be said to get worse.

Be smart in maintaining your health, family, and society.

Tuesday 6 June 2017

How To Clean Safe Ear Wax

How To Clean Safe Ear Wax

        Caring for ear hygiene is a must. Given the ear function that is so important to our lives. The ears always remove dirt, more precisely ear sap, and that we can not prevent in any way. Left ear that is allowed to dry just mentioned can clog up and make the person concerned to be budek and emit an unpleasant odor. Therefore, we should always keep our ears clean in a safe way.

    Have you cleaned your ears using a cotton bud? Currently, many assumptions about purging the ear using a cotton bud that can actually cause earwax pushed in. In response, dr Darnila Fachruddin SpTHT-KL confirmed that earwax or ear lymph retention, then cleaned by cotton bud will clot and pushed into the ear. If it's like that, how safe is it?

    To clean the ear sludge is actually easy to dry and no need to use certain methods. Dr. Darnila herself suggests as long as there is no complaint which means the ears do not be too often scraped. Because actually the ear / ear wax can come out by itself, without the need to be cleaned too deep. The ear gap that comes out does not much and does not always cover the ear canal. But if it feels itchy or until seen on the ear surface there is ear lymph nodes out, may be cleaned, he said.

    There are also circulating in the public methods of cleaning the ears using water, vinegar, and baby oil. In response, Darnila also gave an opinion, "For water may not be too much, because it raises fears when entering too much water, water can get trapped and cause infections and hearing loss.For vinegar can indeed overcome the fungus. Concentration of about 2%, it is enough to kill the germs and prevent the growth of fungus in the ear Baby oil may also be used, provided controlled and not to go too deep even to injure the ear cavity.

Read also: 

   Clean the ears well as mentioned above. Do not let the intention of cleaning, even make the earwax more accumulate and clog hearing. And always be careful when using a cotton bud, use as necessary when it feels uncomfortable to the ear. If there are complaints and hearing loss check immediately to the doctor ENT (Ear Nose Throat).

Thank you

Destination Snack Packing Filled Wind

Destination Snack Packing Filled Wind

         Have you noticed when you buy snacks or snacks, which dominates the contents of the wrapper is a breeze? Of course? Maybe the first time we buy a snack feel disappointed because the contents of snacknya not as much as our estimates when looking at the large packaging. Mending the contents of the snack half of the packaging. But in fact we often encounter only a quarter of the packaging. Like it we do not like to buy it again is not it? Hehehe...

         Do you know why they are made in such a way? Such big factories would like to prejudice consumers with such packaging? Well, surely you still wonder about this. Therefore, this topic enters "recent insights" on this blog. In order to change the public perception of the packaging snack-snack on the market today. Let's see ...

     It turns out that such packaging is deliberately created and the purpose is not to harm the consumer, in fact it is more profitable for consumers. Waahhh how come ya ?? Check carefully, it turns out the packaging is not the wind! The contents are nitrogen. In a 1994 study, this nitrogen is the air that can keep the crispy snack itself. So with gas filled nitrogen snacks in the package it will not shrink or sluggish. So consumers can enjoy a snack with a good taste and awake kesenyahannya.

   A little extra, the difference is filled with nitrogen with an ordinary wind that contains oxygen is like this. Oxygen can actually make snacks or chips become sluggish. Just try to let you put the chips in place open, it will be sluggish and it feels bad again is not it? Well that's exactly what happened all this time. All made of course for the satisfaction of consumers to their product songs with a good way.

Sunday 4 June 2017

Causes Of Teeth Is A Mess

The neatness of the current dental formula is no longer a thing that ought to be considered paltry by society in the modern era of today, because of the extra value and valued as a supporter to pull it the appearance of a person. The appearance is nice and neat on one's self, reflects that the person is careful in taking care of himself. Fit the arrangement of teeth is the main thing that is visible when we meet and talk with someone. Especially when we are the people who often face to face with others or as a public figure, there is no reason to menomer will sususanan irregularity problem teeth.

In addition to the aesthetic problem due to very disturbing, no teeth composed and arranged neatly causes problems on the State of the tooth itself. Can be terjebaknya place the food can be a trigger for the occurrence of holes in teeth and bad breath.

Discuss the irregular teeth would not order off of the factors that caused it. The cause could not be said to be absolutely fault of the person concerned, but can also be congenital and hereditary factors. And causes of irregular teeth are divided into two, namely, factors directly and indirectly.

1. indirect Factors:

a. heredity
Hereditary factors in question are for example, one parent has a small jaw with small tooth size and other features of the great jaw with teeth that are large in size. It could be that having a child with dental crowding because it has a small jaw with teeth the size of a large one.

b. congenital Factors
Meant the onset of disorders of the fetus during pregnancy. Disorders that can occur due to pregnant women consuming drugs, booze, or the onset of the disorder. Resulting in the growth of the jaw and teeth on a prospective seed baby is disturbed.

c. Thalassemia Disease
Thalassemia is impaired physical growth and development of both size and weight, including the terhambatnya growth of the jaw and teeth. This Thalassemia disease occurred in the age of the children.

2. Direct Factor

a. the date the milk Teeth prematurely (preterm premature loss/date)
Milk teeth have a very important role for the permanent teeth growth path. When milk teeth before the permanent teeth time date grows, then it can lead to permanent tooth loss of road to get to the actual position.

b. milk Teeth do not date after the time (persistence)
When permanent teeth has been showing signs of going to grow, then the milk teeth should be dated. When it is not the position of the permanent teeth will grow between the position really is, because the position is still occupied by the milk teeth. For example that occurs in gingsul teeth.

c. a bad habit (bad habbit)
A bad habit is the cause of many of the factors are found in people who have irregular teeth. Bad habits like thumb sucking, breathing through the mouth, nibbling pencils or any other objects, including biting the tongue, etc.

d. the number of teeth is not normal
It is rarely found, but there is. The number of permanent teeth normal is 32 pieces. Interference may occur in the form of PC number of teeth and the lack of number of teeth.

e. Form abnormal teeth
Such disorders are also rare. One example is the one which joined so teeth (fusion), it looks like two teeth that become one.

The arrangement of the manifest irregularity of teeth often encountered is crowding of the teeth (crowded) and teeth with many cracks (multiple diastema). So that the teeth can be arranged neatly from the beginning, it's good we prevent factor causes both directly and not direct.
